Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Vivaxa Testimony

I needed to improve my sexual performance. So I went online and did some research and even spoke to a doctor about my problem. I found out that there are desensitizing creams out there that can hepl me last longer but there were side effects that I didn't want.

The doctor suggested that I give Vivaxa a try. The first time I tried it on I felt that it absorbs really well and fast too. My erection was improved and I felt more firm and full. My girlfriend said she didn't feel numb at all and she was very happy with what Vivaxa did to me. You can pretty much say this was the best sex we have had in a while. We were both satisfied.

How is Vivaxa different?

With so many treatments to choose from, what makes Vivaxa so special & different? Yes, there are many products out there that claims to help men achieve sexual stamina and great performance but many of those products on the market offer only numbing agents that negatively affect the woman's experience, weak herbal formulas in pill form, or exercises that are embarrassing and can take weeks or months to work if at all. Although the numbing agents may help you prolong sexual intercourse, they tend to numb female partners making the sexual experience undesirable for them. This defeats the purpose of being intimate with your partner. Herbal pills often lose effectiveness due to the ingredients being broken down by the digestive tract and liver. In essence, as little as 5% of the ingredients actually make it to the desired area, whereas with topical solutions such as Vivaxa, as much as 95% makes it to the necessary area. Male enhancement exercises have been shown to be possibly damaging to your penis.

Drug info - Vivaxa

Vivaxa is a treatment to help with inadequate sexual stamina by a bio-chemist team at Barmensen Labs. Vivaxa is a topical treatment that utilizes Calmosensine along with Peptide 171 which allows men to significantly enhance their sexual stamina & performance. Vivaxa is manufactured under the strict guidelines of the US Food & Drug Administration.

Vivaxa has helped thousands of people and it might just as well work for you too.
With Vivaxa, you should feel a difference immediately, starting with your very first application. Pills usually take weeks before it starts to work, but Vivaxa doesn’t. With Vivaxa, you know it is working because you feel it working!